Handling SafeArea

Handling SafeArea

There are two main props that will come in handy when dealing with SafeArea in the action sheet.

The first one is useBottomSafeAreaPadding. This prop uses the top padding as a reference to calculate the bottom padding on mobile to Views do not hide under the Navigation Bar.

<ActionSheet useBottomSafeAreaPadding />

The second one is drawUnderStatusBar. This is useful for action sheets that cover full screen. In that case, the sheet will grow under the StatusBar by default. However you can set this to false if you don't want that default behavior.

<ActionSheet drawUnderStatusBar={false} />

If you are using react-native-safe-area-context library in your project you can also do the following:

const insets = useSafeAreaInsets();
return (
      paddingBottom: insets.bottom,